Overnight in Kumutoto Bay

Early December last year, I cast off from the mooring late in the morning on a beautiful calm day, heading for Kumutoto Bay with an overnight trip planned.
As I neared Kumutoto Point after passing Allports Island, I saw birds feeding on the surface and a couple of Hectors dolphins - one small, so perhaps a cow teaching her calf to hunt.

Throw some sand in

I've been taking my son Arthur out with me to look for trout on the river a few times this year.

This morning we went to a spot where I'd seen a trout yesterday.

We watched the water for a while, then Arthur started exploring the steep bank down to the water.

After climbing down to the water's edge, he threw a clump of sand into the water while making his way back up.

"That's probably not going to help attract a trout. Wait! Don't move!"

A trout had immediately appeared where the sand had landed.

A good start to the day

I lost a lure around high tide after snagging it on a submerged log near the Spring Creek township, and was able to retrieve it without entering the water the next day around low tide. 

Over 11km inland from the mouth, the Wairau River is still affected by the tides.

Getting back into it

I hadn't been fishing much at all over the last year. Last few years, really.

In September I was crossing one of the bridges over the Wairau and noticed the water was quite high, with a bit of colour - ideal for spin fishing.